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These dates can shift a little depending on how quickly the class is learning the concepts.
Workbook Pages

Workbook pages will be collected on the day of each chapter test.  While your student has until then to complete the pages, I strongly recommend that they complete the workbook pages on that same day at home.  Students are given time in class to complete workbook pages.  Please check their pages each night to verify that they are complete.  Initial down in the corner on the page number so that I know it has been looked over at home.

If your student does have pages to do at home, please let them struggle!  I know that the way math is done is a little different from when you and I were in school.  While the way that you and I were taught is correct, it can sometimes impact the students learning of concepts taught in class if we show them how we were taught.  Let them struggle.  It is OK for kids to struggle.  It is an opportunity for them to use their grit.  If there is a problem they are really struggling with, please email me and let me know which one and I will help your student out.

There is a difference between allowing a child to struggle and being completely overwhelmed, anxious or upset.  If that is what is happening then please allow them to stop for the night and work with me the next day.  They should not spend more than 20 minutes a day on their math.  I want math to be fun, challenging and exciting.

Math Tests

Math tests will be read out loud for the students.  If you know that your student is going to be absent on the day of a test, please let me know so they can take it beforehand.  

There is a strict policy of no talking during a test until everyone is done.  Any student who talks during the test will receive a zero.

Late and Corrected Work

Workbook pages that are turned in after the day of the test will be docked 20%.


When a test comes home, your student may make corrections and turn it back in for a higher grade.  The maximum grade possible when corrections are made is 80%.

Show Math Some LOVE!

Please try to refrain from saying, "I hate math" or any other negative comment.  I want students to think positively about math.  The moment they start to say they hate it and can't do it, it becomes true.  They can do this!

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