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Crew Calendar

Weekly Intentions for  September 2018

Week 1

I can improve the quality of my work through revision.

Week 2

I have the confidence to try again-I have grit!!

Week 3


Week 4

I can be accountable for my work and actions.

September 2018

What we're working on...


During October, we will be working on how to get the teacher's attention and how to report peer behavior.

Growth Mindset Lesson: October 2018


I am a valued member of this learning community!

Environmental Stewardship


We know our choices have consequences.  We conduct every interaction honestly.  We set intention.  We commit to act.  We reflect on growth and the impact of our decisions.  We safeguard the environment and create positive change within our communities.  Our commitment to the greater good transcends personal concerns.  We are grateful.

  • We bring positive energy (words, thoughts and actions) to our school community.

  • We commit to recycling and repurposing materials in our classroom community.

  • We commit to helping others stay positive in our environment.

As a faculty and staff we have been learning about the three types of environmental stewards: doers, donors and practitioners.  All three of these are critical roles to play and can't function without the others.  The easiest way to jump in and get involved is by being a doer.  I have always been a doer and this month, our crew will be learning about what we can do as doers.  Help your student to see and find opportunities to be a doer and make our  community a better place!

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Monthly Mindful Practice: October 2018

Sending kind thoughts.  We are practicing sending kind thoughts to people as a crew.  Students will envision a person they would like to send a kind thought to, and think kind phrases like, "May you be safe", or "May you be happy".  We will challenge our crew to go to a place with many people nearby and practice sending kind thoughts to them.  Is it possible for us to send kind thoughts to ourselves?  How do we feel when we do? 

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